Cow of the Wild Wiki
Rock and family

The Pack of Mossy Boulders is a pack led by Rock. They are one of the packs which attend the meeting at the Ancient Place of Meetings.


Rock's father used to be in charge of the Pack, appointing his other son Beta and making Rock the Pack's Omega, given he had a grudge against his son. Fed up with the circumstances, Rock murdered both of them, becoming alpha immediately instead. Ever since then, Rock has been in search of an alpha female.[citation needed]
Eventually, Luna temporarily agrees to become Rock's mate, after having been fooled into thinking that Lupis does not love her.



Rock (male) - Creamy tan male wolf with a thick brown chest and underbelly, brown paws, a lighter cream stripe leaking down his spine, amber eyes,

Luna (female) - Silver and white female wolf with pale green eyes and a missing left ear.

